Monday, August 11, 2008

Week 5 of 32point5 Plan

Since it is the beginning of week 5 for the 32point5 plan I though it was about time I threw out some numbers to show that I have made progress:
  • I have walked 100 km (62 miles--txs SD) in the last 29 days
  • My last timed walk/jog of 5 km came in at 40:40 down from 47:00
  • Lost 5.8 pounds in 28 days
  • Lost 8 inches total from Bust, Waist, Hips, Thighs and Arms (BWHTA)

Meh, OK I guess. Obviously need to try a bit harder for the next big update which will come at the start of week 10.


Stephanie said...

I think that is fantastic!!!! Throw away your scale and concentrate on your inches lost. I can see I have much work to do to catch up to you. You go girl!! I am extremely impressed with your dedication and commitment to healthy eating and exercise.

Stephanie said...

Aww, Thanks my Friend. I know that by encouraging each other we will both be successful in our healthy goals! Smooch!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I do commend you on every bit of effort and pride you captured in this presentation. I love the simplicity and the honesty when you do admit at some times that you do not know how to do certain things on the PC and find such joy when you discover that you can really DO IT BY YOURSELF. Feel proud of yourself and continue as I do enjoy reading and most of all--THE WINE BOTTLES and their honest opinions. You have good friends and I can see that they are not just acquaintances


Stephanie said...

Jocelyn and Sena --
Thanks for all the encouragement and positive comments, I really appreciate it!!